The Reconstruction: Do You See What I See?

Monday, May 08, 2006

Do You See What I See?

A kitchen! Yes, a 'stirring orange' kitchen with most of my old white cabinets back in their places. Steve-o says it reminds him of a creamsicle ice cream thingy. I think that's a compliment. After all, I love ice cream. And a certain blogger pointed me to another orange kitchen that looks quite cheery, don't you think? I'm not sure the color is acurrate on the screen, so don't judge it just yet.

It is so nice to wash dishes in the kitchen sink and not in the tiny bathroom pedestal sink....or better yet, use the dishwasher. And now, I can cut food on the counter instead of on top of a box in the living room. Seriously folks - go look at your counters and say a few nice words to them. Don't worry about what others might think about the fact that you're talking to your laminate. You need to show your countertop the appreciation it deserves! Unfortunately, the orange kitchen has come at a price - a disaster of a living room. I won't even show you the bedroom. It's too hideous.

But speaking of other rooms, I've been pondering Bugheart's comments on my proposed living room color - tan. It's true - white-ish pinkish people do look bad in tan. I wouldn't be caught dead in a tan shirt. (Note to self - remember to put "no tan shirt" into my will.) So, why should I have a tan wall? Maybe I shouldn't. But I ask you - what in the world will go with a reddish-brown floor, an adjoining orange kitchen, and a navy blue couch? Plus - don't forget this is a basement, so I can't go too dark or it will be dungeon-y. To 'tan' or not to 'tan'? And if not tan, then what?


At 7:25 PM, Blogger bugheart said...

the orange kitchen
is lovely!
i just went
and said
nice things
to my counter.
let me know
if you need help
i do love
to organize.
as for
livingroom colors...
when in doubt
go complimentary!
that would be blue.
a nice baby blue
or blue gray would
compliment the kitchen
and look nice
with your navy couch.
you could even put
light or dark orange
accents in your living room
to bring it all together.
and you do look
in blue you know!

At 11:48 AM, Blogger Tracykins said...

I was starting to think I'd be comment-less, and I am soooo in need of advice. So - gracias!

I do look fabulous in blue, but Steve-o's projector might not do so well projecting on a blue wall. Maybe I'll just make him buy a screen. I'm trying to avoid introducing grey into a basement, but maybe I'm being too touchy about that. Gosh - paint color is hard. Let's go shopping! For organizing stuff!
Seriously, we might hire you for a consultation. I can pay in cascade 220. :)

At 3:15 PM, Blogger MikaJ said...

or, you could just make a white screen on the wall...and do something cool like put a frame around it, or paint a border or something. you could even put a curtain over it, to make it look like there was a window there!
our new office has a mouse problem...looks like margot is going to have to come to work with me! if i dont see you this thursday, have a super nice time in the home commonwealth! say hello to it for me! dude, i have the longest letter sequence ever to type for verification...let me practice


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