The Reconstruction: So long to communal living

Thursday, March 02, 2006

So long to communal living

So, I've had about enough of roommates. One or two might not be too bad. But three....or 4...well, that's overkill. The low rent that comes with high density group living can be a very handy benefit (i.e. cheap cheap). But when you're living somewhere because your regular housing is MIA, then it's a whole different story.

I need to vent some frustrations, so I can move on. list of the things I am grateful for, now that my stint as a group house crasher is over:

1. No more labeling all food items for fear that a cheap roommate will 'accidentally' drink my 30 dollar bottle of wine when they always buy the 2-buck-chuck. "Oh, that was yours?" Perhaps his vision was blurry from all the alcohol he'd already consumed that day.

2. No more cleaning up after other people's messes....milk left out over night, wrappers on the counter, dirty dishes sitting around for days, overflowing garbage cans, etc. That tofurkey wrapper...not yours? yeah - it must belong to one of the carnivores in the house. Sure...

3. No more heading downstairs to do laundry and encountering a little 'action' going on in the basement bedroom....with the door open. No one needs to see that....or hear it.

4. No more people who think they are so earthy that they don't need to deal with their intense body odor. I would argue that they do....for the sake of earth's other people.

5. No more cold showers in the morning, when everyone else has beaten me to the bathroom. Sleeping in shouldn't be punished like this! :)

6. No more people who just step over (or onto) the mail that came through the door slot instead of picking it up and putting it on a flat a table or some similar object. What a concept! I know, it's hard to grasp. Putting effort into picking things up...nah!

7. No more hoping other people aren't home, just so you can reheat you leftover chinese in peace.

8. No more arguments about depriving people of their rights to an equal and appropriate fridge territory...or some similar dramatic claim.

9. No more annoying my poor friends with my constant stories of the latest thing so-and-so did, or said. Thanks - you've been super tolerant of me!

10. No more need for lists like this! Hooray!

Aaahhh, I feel better already. Now, I'll just puncture a few tires, and I'll be downright jolly!


At 3:06 PM, Blogger seal said...

i feel your pain, sista. living with non-family wasn't meant to be.

At 3:10 PM, Blogger bugheart said...

me too. heesch... i always wondered how the poor mothers of those kind of people felt... especially when i contemplated eliminating them from the gene pool.

At 5:12 PM, Blogger MikaJ said...

when is the PARTAY?!?!?!

At 11:14 PM, Blogger Tracykins said...

First there must be paint and floor and a kitchen...then party. gosh - so demanding! :)


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