Watch as I ever-so-slowly try to reconstruct my house. With a little knitting and some gratuitous cat pictures to make the time pass.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
The coming weekend
This weekend will be very exciting! Am I taking a trip? Winning an award? Going to a party? No! I am getting a miter saw! (Say it with me now) Hooray!
Steve-o's mom will be gracing us with her presence, and the miter saw she and her husband used to do all the crown molding in their apt. in NJ. Steve-o and I will be using it to do all of our baseboard. With only one room left to paint and baseboard to do, we're terribly excited! [We won't talk about the need for new cabinets, the bathroom pocket door, or that hole in the kitchen wall that we haven't dealt with yet]
Our visitors are going to take us out to dinner, which will be nice, since we've been scrimping and saving and haven't eaten anywhere fancier than Chipotle in quite a long time....not that Chipotle isn't lovely, but dude - it's a six-dollar burrito. We get to pick where we want to eat. Any suggestions? Last time they were in town, we went to the District Chop House...we're all meat eaters.
In my spare time, I'll be dyeing yarn for a gift for a friend who is moving here this winter. Shhh...she doesn't know. [Well, she knows she's moving, but doesn't know I'm knitting her something] Her birthday is next month, and I'm going to be a busy knitter this fall!
Speaking of knitting, I'm heading to R's house for Thursday knitting. Maybe I'll get some ideas for my own house. Seeing people's places is always so cool. What they put up on their walls, and where they place things - really gives you a sense of their priorities and what they're all about. [Prominantly display a picture of me! I mean - no pressure, R.] Of course, I had been to her old place in Mt. P, but this place is supposed to be new and improved!
But hmm....I think this means I value piles of stuff and emptiness....since I am surrounded by boxes and piles, and my walls are bare. But wait - I'm not settled yet. Just give me a few more months! I've got big plans!
So quietude-y. Yes, we finished painting the second bedroom. N.B. [I'm using my Latin - Mrs. D always said we would!] We didn't do the first bedroom yet....contrary to its title.
Isn't it purdy? It's just nice to have it done. It's a bit grey for the space, I think, but we'll brighten it up with some art, and be on our way to happy days! Hooray! Okay, I'm obviously going a bit nuts. Time for bed! But congratulate me! Cause I painted a room and because no one comments and I'm feeling un-loved. And you don't want that, do you?
Next up - Steve-o's mom is making a saw delivery in two weeks. We're going to re-do both bedroom closets, and...eventually get around to painting the first bedroom. Color is picked out....paint is bought....the procrastination is rampant.
What's this you see? Some abstract art? Perhaps I've got a poorly developed sense of interior decorating. Or, perhaps I've finally lost it, and went nuts throwing paint on the walls. No...none of the above. Rather - I'm finally back on the road of spackle and paint fumes!
You see....I had to prime parts of the wall where I spackled or re-did drywall. And the white primer I had laying around smelled really strongly and didn't cover well, so I used the orange primer from the kitchen. The other colors are all the paints I tried or the original wall color. I know, this is terribly exciting!
The painting will continue after knitting this evening. Stay tuned!
My extended vacation from housework continues. Too busy partying with the knitters, wondering what happened to the sun, and test-driving if I need more decisions! Hey - it took me 10 months to even get back in my house (what a waste!)....I won't be surprised if it takes me 10 months to get it back together! But what a party there will be!
Congrats to Miss R on her new rental homestead in the commonwealth....and the impending 80's party!