Organization is my friend
Hooray - Getting the house in order is fun! Or not - but it is pretty satisfying. Putting things in their place and throwing stuff out. It's really rather therapeutic. I have a newfound drive to be a minimalist....or at least a maximum-ist who keeps her stuff neat and tidy. I am organizing the closet. I got shelves and clear plastic boxes to store out-of-season clothes and other stuff. It looks so much nicer than printer paper boxes I bring home from work. Plus, it means I might actually avoid keeping endless piles of paper around, since I'd have to see them through the box and not just stuff them away in a cardboard box and tell myself they're not there.
In an effort to focus my home renovations and get the damn place finished - a plan is in order, don't 'cha think?! I need a break from paint fumes, so....this weekend's goals - finishing the closet, listing stuff on here, and installing the in-the-wall box in the kitchen. Baseboard if there is time. Wish me luck.
In cat news - which is, of course, more exciting than baseboard - we built the little critter a scratching post. Lovingly constructed out of sisal rope, and scrap wood from R*, she completed ignored the thing for days on end. Actually, ignored is the wrong word - feared is more accurate. But she has now started to actually use it on occasion. Not to say she doesn't still use the shelves, or the couch, or the baseboard laying on the floor (sorry, I'll stop talking about the damn baseboard). You should hear us when we see her using the scratching post - "Good kitty!" "You're such a good girl," and other innane sounding things. I refuse to speak to babies in "baby talk," so why am I speaking to the cat like that? I'll rationalize it by saying that she has a pea brain (let's be honest), and needs all the happy-sounding vocal patterns she can get!
She's pretty funny - one second she's all interested in her ball toy. But then, she hears a noise and starts looking around. Then, she forgets all about the ball toy and the noise, and jumps up to the window. She has the attention span of.....well....a cat. It's all about the pea brain. So tiny!
Oh, and SHE has a new name. Smidgen. Better than "Daisy," which as MikaJ pointed out, sounded kind of like a cow name. So - Smidgen it is! - cause she's small, and because it's actually the name of a candy made by a candy company back in good ol' Pennsylvania. And I do so love candy....almost as much as ice cream. Her nickname is "Cat and a half" because with 26 toes, she has enough to make 1.5 regular cats. Penny and the German word for 'foot' were also in the running, but ultimately, I figured Smidgen was more fun.